Contraceptive Implant Insertion
Price includes: Cost of the Implant device, procedure and consultation
Service Description
The sub dermal Contraceptive Implant is a small plastic rod the length of a match stick, which will be inserted under the skin of your inner, upper arm. The device contains a progestrogen hormone called Etonogestruel which is slowly released into your system. The implant we use in the UK is called Nexplanon. It prevents a pregnancy by thinning the lining of the womb (endometrium) and in some women it stops ovulation. It also thickens the mucus in the cervix making it difficult for sperm to enter the uterus. Please see information leaflet below: https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/contraception/contraceptive-implant/
Cancellation Policy
Deposits are non-refundable.
Contact Details
10 Harley St, London W1G 9PF, UK